Automated security testing in the SDLC through DevSecOps

DevOps is one of the central trends of recent years: The integration of the areas of development and operations across the entire software development lifecycle and automation through Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment are becoming increasingly important in companies. IT security should not be a minor issue here, but should be included from the beginning in the form of DevSecOps.

Typical use cases for DevSecOps include automated static or dynamic code analysis, the monitoring of exploit databases in order to be able to react quickly to new gaps in the company’s own servers, or the implementation of secure dependency management through artifact repositories. Through automation, security vulnerabilities can thus be detected during development and prevented from entering a product.

OTARIS has extensive experience in the implementation and development of DevSecOps tools (such as in the SCRATCh project). We would be happy to use this expertise to support you in the introduction of DevSecOps in your company: To do this, we first work with you to develop a tailored security strategy, identify security risks and the assets to be protected. We then set up CI/CD pipelines and other tools to protect the identified assets so that information security does not fall by the wayside, but also does not hinder you in your development. In doing so, we access both external and in-house developed tools.


Our Services:

  • Creation of a DevSecOps strategy customized for your company
  • Support in the selection of suitable tools
  • Setting up individual CI/CD pipelines
  • Automation of security checks and reporting